
The University of Cambridge Research Seminar in Medieval Art meets during Full Term, attracting an impressive range of speakers from home and abroad.

All seminars take place in the Classroom at Scroope Terrace, starting at 5pm or over Zoom, starting at 5pm UK time. Further details will follow shortly, including how to register your attendance for seminars on Zoom.

The seminars have been convened by Dr Laura Slater and Professor Donal Cooper. Please email: to go on the seminar mailing list.

Michaelmas Term:

Monday 30th October

Lucy Donkin, University of Bristol
‘Transporting the Campo Santo: Material, Visual, and Spiritual Ties to Rome on the Eve of the Reformation’
This seminar will take place in the Classroom, Scroope Terrace, 5pm.

Monday 13th November

Sarah Guérin, University of Pennsylvania
‘Paris, Florence, Tunis and… Ni-Jimi : Aureate ambitions and the Eighth Crusade’
This seminar will take place over Zoom at 5pm.

Monday 27th November

Paul Binski, University of Cambridge; Emily Guerry, University of Kent and Lucy Wrapson, Hamilton Kerr Institute
‘Caught on film – the Gothic Wall Paintings of Angers Cathedral, their story, date and significance’.
This seminar will take place over Zoom at 5pm.

Lent Term:

Monday 29th January

Frank Fehrenbach, University of Hamburg
‘Giotto and the Physicists’
This seminar will take place over Zoom at 5pm.

Monday 12th February

Kathryn A. Smith,Department of Art History, New York University
‘Opening the Space of the Parchment Roll: Imaging Interiority in Two English Copies of the Septenarium pictum.’
This seminar will take place over Zoom over 5pm.

Monday 11th March

Anthony Eastmond, The Courtauld Institute
‘Icons, Saints and Society in Medieval Georgia’
This seminar will take place in the Classroom, Scroope Terrace, 5pm.