
Are museums always good for objects? Why do conservators wear lab coats? Should collections be handled more? This 90-minute session with Ayesha Fuentes from the Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology will invite participants to engage with the ways in which conservators and collections care staff communicate our goals, methods, and limitations both to our colleagues within UCM and beyond. This includes thinking about how this work reflects or reinforces the historical goals of museum practice and/or the damaging legacies of colonial knowledge production. At the same time, we will discuss how collections care can facilitate access, repair, and collaboration. This in-person workshop will be organised as a series of structured activities and discussions intended to give participants the opportunity to identify and challenge their concerns about language, practice and expertise in conservation and collections management. This session sis open to any and all UCM staff interested in the role of conservation and collections care in cultivating an inclusive approach to the preservation of museum collections.