
St John’s College is wildly, improbably happy to present an exhibition celebrating the publication of *42: The Wildly Improbable Ideas of Douglas Adams*.

Edited by Kevin Jon Davies and published by Unbound, this wholly remarkable book features previously unpublished material by the creator of *The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy*.

The exhibition, drawn from the Adams papers held at St John’s, will cater to those new to Adams as well as to the hoopy froods who’ve known his work for some time, and will include juvenilia, academic work from his time at the College in the early 1970s, student debating and drama memorabilia, notes, drafts, photographs, figurines and quite possibly more.

On top of that, the exhibition takes place in the beautiful 17th-century Old Library, which is pretty impressive as well, with forty-two original bookshelves, 32,000 rare printed books and nearly four centuries under its belt. (Although, as the man says, that’s ‘just peanuts to space’).

Copies of the new book will be for sale in Heffers, just a short walk, or a terribly brief hitchhike, from St John’s.

We regret that access to the Old Library is by stairs only.