
Join CVC Visiting Research Fellow Kimberley Foster for an object-led workshop in the galleries of the Fitzwilliam Museum.

I envisage being both as an introduction to an intentionally pedagogical approach to practice research within museums and a hands-on session. The workshop would look at how the development of objects directly corresponds with the spaces and ingredients of the Fitzwilliam Museum. Groups would be able to use pedagogical art objects to activate the collections/artefacts/architecture differently through a material orientated session. This would challenge habitual ways of looking and question the status of knowing through direct new correspondences and connections that extend and exceed previous knowledge.

Suggested Reading

– Ahmed, S. (2010) Happy Objects. In: Gregg, M., & Seigworth, G., J. (Eds.) The Affect Theory Reader (pp. 29-51) Durham & London: Duke University Press.
– Bennett, J. (2010) Vibrant Matter: A Political Ecology of Things. Durham & London: Duke University Press.
– Garoian, C., R. (2013) The Prosthetic Pedagogy of Art. Albany: State University of New York Press.
– Manning, E. (2016) The Minor Gesture. Durham: Duke University Press.
– Springgay, S. (2022) Feltness. Research-Creation Socially Engaged Art and Affective Pedagogies. Durham: Duke University Press.
– Woodward, S. (2020) Material Methods. Researching and thinking with things. London: Sage.


This event is part of the CVC Masterclass series. It is open to University of Cambridge students only.

To register for this class, please send an email to by Thursday 25 April with a short statement on the benefits of participation in this masterclass to your studies. You will be notified whether you have a place in the masterclass on Friday 26 April.


Foster, K. sorhed object and ‘Hunting Hat’ Alaska (late 18th/19th Century), Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts. University of East Anglia.