
Gurpran Rau – Artist statement
These paintings were inspired by my walks in the woods of Cambridgeshire during the challenging days of lockdown. I was fascinated by the ephemeral dance of light and shadow on the forest floor, as sun-dappled patterns emerged and faded revealing nature’s exquisite choreography. I felt a deep connection with my surrounding environment. These wanderings were transformative, bringing light into dark spaces in my mind – reassuring me that brighter days lay ahead. I felt nurtured and protected by some extraordinary fate.

Drawing from the repetitive and intricate patterns I observed underfoot – the harmonious intermingling of organic forms with shadows and sunlight, I combined layers of paint and other media creating a new and vibrant terrain. Using a reductive process, I let the paint reveal what lay beneath, echoing the wild and beautiful paths I traversed. For me, the forest floor is like a tapestry: highly patterned, alive, chaotic, mysterious, and beautiful all at the same time. I am in awe of the healing and regenerative power of nature and the wonder of existence.

As you walk past these works, I invite you to explore the changing palette of colours, the natural forms that unfurl and emotional resonance that might echo within. I hope this body of work will encourage you to connect spiritually with the natural world, treading more lightly on our fragile planet with a reverence and respect for all living things.

Image copyright: Wolfson College