
Join us for an exhibition of 40+ contemporary artists exploring the terrain of anxiety or uncomfortable ‘between-ness’.
The Anxiety of Interdisciplinarity is an ongoing practice-based research project by artist-curator duo, Sarah Strachan and Ayeshah Zolghadr. Critical interdisciplinarity seeks to ‘intervene, disrupt, and deconstruct’ and is ‘always transformative in some way’ and it is this potential that can induce anxiety. An elevated thumping or irregular heartbeat, faster breathing, a churning feeling in your stomach and light-headedness; these are all familiar effects of anxiety on the human body. Often regarded as a negative state of ‘distress’, non-clinical anxiety might be defined as ‘experiencing failure in advance’.

At Art at the ARB, the duo present ‘The Anxiety of Interdisciplinarity 2.0’, which acknowledges interdisciplinarity as a potential site of ambivalence, tension or a fertile ground for exploration and experimentation. This contemporary art exhibition seeks a counterpoint to anxiety, where a struggle emerges to articulate the feelings with anticipation and excitement — recognising ‘eustress’ as a potential stimulus for ‘the important work…done at the surfaces between adjacent disciplines’.

Curated over four floors of the Alison Richard Building, ‘The Anxiety of Interdisciplinarity 2.0’ brings together over 40 artists working across and between: digital media; drawing; mixed-media; painting; performance; printmaking; sculpture; sound; textile; and video. The exhibition offers an opportunity to initiate conversations and trigger unexpected connections between visitors, artists, artworks and practices.

The Anxiety of Interdisciplinarity is a practice-based research collaboration between artist-curator duo, Sarah Strachan and Ayeshah Zolghadr.

Sarah Strachan is a transdisciplinary artist interested in how our perception of being in, knowing and belonging to the world affects our ecological awareness and thinking. She explores her ideas through printmaking, painting and ceramics; often fusing sound or moving image into the final installation.

Ayeshah Zolghadr is an interdisciplinary artist exploring the interface between digital and analogue technologies often through abstractions of the grid. Her interests lie in translating repetitive mark making into 3D forms and back again in pursuit of individuated copies.

Andrew McDowall | Angela Brookford | Anna Dermitzaki | Åse Vikse | Ayeshah Zolghadr | Cameron Lings | Chloe Culley | Claire Morris-Wright | Corinna Reynolds | Dawny Christien | Debby Lauder | Ewa Pandera | Francesca Gagni | Heather Burwell | Jane Boyer | Jenny Seabrook | Joe Dean | Judy Dibiase | Keron Beattie | Kirsten Lavers | Larain Briggs | Liz Mills | Mansi Shouche | Mary Rouncefield | Mick Paulusma | Natasha Fontenelle | Nicky Harwood | Pauline Scott-Garrett | Rana Al Ogayye | Roger Healey-Dilkes | Rosanna Greaves | Sal Hunter | Sara Clark | Sarah Strachan | Simona Racheva | Sophie C Hill | Stepanka Facerova | Sumi Perera | Svetlana Atlavina | Tam Cochrane | Valerie O’Regan | Véronique Chance | William Card | Yasmin Noorbakhsh

The exhibition continues online at