
The Role of Interdisciplinary Creativity in Social Activism: When Ai Weiwei’s Art Meets Journalism and Artificial Intelligence

Brought to you by the Fitzwilliam Museum Society and Social Canvas

Main Lecture Theatre, Old Divinity School, St. John’s College, University of Cambridge

When considering contemporary art, we ponder how distinct genres of painting, sculpture, video art, and photography have blurred and mixed with our everyday lives. Ai Weiwei’s art practice is no exception – it blends with his social activist advocates as an all-encompassing conceptual art practice. In this talk, Ai Weiwei will be answering these questions: How has he used interdisciplinary creativity to push boundaries within society? How does art function as a form of journalism to bring truth to life when facing censorship? How can art confront the rising homogenous world of AI?

Booking opens on 5/1 to the members of the Fitzwilliam Museum Society and on 8/1 to other Cambridge members and the public. Please follow @fitzmuseum_soc and @thesocialcanvasprojects on Instagram for more information, and keep an eye out for an opportunity to ask Ai Weiwei questions and dine with him!

Doors open at 10:30 am. Latecomers will not be entertained.

Note: Cambridge members must show their Cam Card upon entry.