Hello everyone! My name is Danielle, I am currently a master’s student at the Warburg Institute in London, studying Renaissance art history and curating. In particular, I am interested as to how artists in the early modern period were part of a wider network of ideas and exchanges, drawing upon and incorporating various stylistic elements from across expressions of visual culture such as textiles, painting, and manuscripts. In light of this, I hope to leverage upon my own academic interests to support CVC’s work in promoting the exchange of knowledge and ideas that remain relevant to our society today.

My interest for the visual arts and culture is connected, particularly, to Cambridge, where I completed my undergraduate studies in History of Art. The vibrant sense of community between the city’s artistic institutions and museums is one that is truly extraordinary, as the Fitzwilliam Museum is only a stone’s throw away from Kettle’s Yard and the Art History Department. The prospect of becoming involved within this community is very exciting and welcoming.

During my time at the CVC, I will be working as a Creative Coordinator. In this role, I will be assisting in the development of the centre as a platform for promoting contemporary art and culture for both the community in Cambridge as well as to our international audience of artistic enthusiasts! I am particularly looking forward to sharing our events on social media to enlarge our audience base, and do look out for our weekly newsletter, which you can receive when signing up with your email!